Monday 9 March 2015

Monday Moanings - March 9, 2015

Pearls of Wisdom

So here's the thing - I have nothing to moan about today. No sad tale of misery demanding company; no body part on strike for less work, more assistance; and no ghastly weather forecast prophesying an apocalypse. 

It's a beautiful day in my neighbourhood! And it was preceded by a beautiful day with all our children. 

Here are the pearls of wisdom learned this weekend:

IF the red squirrel sees his shadow;

IF the goats stand as one;

IF the bunnies come out to play:

IF the horse kisses your hand;

IF you have lost an hour's sleep because the government said so;

Then Spring has Sprung!

Get out there and enjoy it!
(but don't take the snow tires off the car)

©2015 April Hoeller


  1. Loved your upbeat post April and all the animal pics. Sweet:) The goat shot - super cool.

    1. Thanks Arti! The goats were really cute and competing for our attention.
      And today I can actually see a patch of grass amidst all the snow! Yay!

  2. Really enjoyed your comments and pictures, especially the goats, when I lived in Cornwall I had 5 Golden Guernsey goats, they were such characters, and although where I am living Spring hasn't quite sprung, your pictures filled me with hope.

    1. Thank you Bess for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment.
      Hope is what Spring is all about, but it's a very up and down route!
