Monday 29 June 2015

Monday NO Moanings - June 29, 2015

Canada Day WEEK, 2015

The rain has stopped. The sun is shining, The strawberries are ripe for the picking!

Wednesday is Canada Day!

There's been some moaning about this mid-week holiday; not about the day off, nor the occasion, but rather about the timing - smack dab in the middle of the work week with no weekend within a day's reach. Well I realize it seems inconvenient and even strange to not have a Canada Day long weekend, but how about going for a Canada Day Week? I know it's not the same. Many have to go to work, but still you can get the flag out in the workplace as well as at home, EH?

Let's shake off the scales of cynicism and complaint and enjoy the privilege of living in this great land.

There are four wonderful seasons, each one offering its share of glorious days along with a few clunkers;

there are awesome landscapes of mountains, lakes, forests and prairies;

there's architecture in cityscapes that incorporate the old and the new along with green space too;

and so many diverse cultures to enrich and inspire each one of us to be who we were born to be.

I'm thrilled and proud to be a part of the colourful mosaic that is my home and native land. We're not perfect, not by a long shot; we're not without problems; we've got critical issues and controversies that need tending, but not right now. Let the problems and politics, failures and controversies take a back seat this week.

On July 1, 1960 John Diefenbaker, Canada's 13th Prime Minister, introduced the Canadian Bill of Rights in Parliament with these words:

"I am a Canadian!
Free to speak without fear,
Free to worship in my own way,
Free to stand for what I think right,
Free to oppose what I believe wrong,
Free to choose those who shall govern my country.
This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and mankind."

Be safe. Be happy. Be proud.
Happy Canada Day, all week!

©2015 April Hoeller

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for filling me in on a bit of Canadian history. I love the season shots, especially the autumn shades. I've only visited Canada once for a short trip to Montreal. Your post is making me want to plan a road trip to sample all this beauty. Enjoy the rest of Canada Day week:) xx
