Friday 3 June 2016

Thursday, or Thereabouts - June 3, 2016

Or Thereabouts

Yesterday was one of those days hijacked by a migraine. I hadn't had one in six months and quite frankly was really enjoying the respite, even allowing myself to consider that finally at 63 years of age, I'd outgrown them. No such luck! Perhaps just another one of the "speed bumps" along the road to healing and recovery, a command to take a time out, rest and be still. And so I did just that.

But of course now it's Friday AFTERNOON and I'm battling against decades of cultural embeddedness which implore me to pick up the pace in order to make up for lost time; to have some visible, tangible accomplishments to hold up alongside the yardstick of a good day. Modern life is not a still life, not even for us who have crossed the 60 yard line.

Okay, so here's what I've got so far today:
I got up! (Always an important first step)
I drove myself (first time since surgery) to my massage appointment (first one in 6 weeks).
I went shopping all by myself (another first time since surgery); limited to total weight less than 2kg.
We went to the farm to pick up the first of the season weekly organic veggies. My love picked up, I drove.
I washed and put away the organic bounty.
And I wrote this blog!

So that's SIX notches up on the yardstick, including no less than FOUR Firsts!

I gotta go lie down.
And for the record, that will be another notch on my yardstick - because when going over 60, everything counts!

Have a great weekend.
Catch me if you can!

©2016 April Hoeller

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