Monday 17 September 2018

Monday Moanings - September 17, 2018

The day began badly...

A steaming cappuccino to my left, I began my day with a leisurely scroll through my Facebook® news feed. The second drag of the mouse wheel brought me to this little pearl of wisdom:

One day, you'll just be a memory to some people.
Do your best to be a good one.

How lovely - NOT! I got blindsided by the first statement. It dropped me into a bucket of dreck where I spun and sputtered and sprawled for much too long. At the 65 year mark on the wheel of life, that "one day" is not as far away as it used to be!

A life review movie flashed across my mind in a uniquely unimpressive trailer that lasted all of 2 seconds. Panic wicked up the hairs on my neck - omg I'd better get out there and do something spectacular, sensational, significant; something memorable and above all good because time is running short and I haven't done anything meaningful ... not a single indelible accomplishment to my credit...

My gut curdled. My morning soured.
I shrank from the day. I shrank from life.
Oh, woe is me!

But remember that steaming cappuccino? It was still there. Still hot. Still fragrant. Still fresh from my Love's hand.

I took the warm cup in my hands, turned from my desk and headed out into the dappled sunshine of the deck. A warm and still very humid morning greeted me. Heavy dew blanketed not only the lawn but also the coated the windows with dampness. Still, the air was fragrant with a rich earthiness that was wonderfully restorative. Perspective flowed back into my soul. Gratitude overcame self-doubt. Sunshine blasted away the darkness. And caffeine evicted the doldrums.

And outside my door, the day really looks like this:

At least the trees know the summer is over!

And of course, my life is not a wasteland.
I cannot orchestrate what others will remember of my life on some distant day.
I can and will, do my best with each day I'm given.
So be it.

©2018 April Hoeller

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