Thursday 19 December 2013

Thursday, or Thereabouts - December 19, 2013

Into the Desert

There was nothing of captivating interest on the idiot box last night, so my love and I spent the entire evening in the desert of Saudi Arabia with Peter O'Toole. Since learning of this great actor's death last Saturday, his iconic movie had been calling to me from the DVD rack, but the movie does require commitment, a solid three hours of commitment and last night we got our chance.

 O'toole's portrayal of Lawrence of Arabia as an annoying, savvy, silly, tragic, arrogant, humble character was stunning as it was when I first saw the movie. I'm still shaking the sand out of my shoes and feeling the dry scorch of the desert.

I was taken back to our trek through the dunes outside of Abu Dhabi in 2011. The moment I set foot in the sand, that incredibly evocative theme music from Lawrence of Arabia rose to my ears and played for hours. We were in 21st century transport - Land Rovers - as we kicked up dust through tight turns and sideways slips and we paid homage to the camels. It was magical.

©2013 April Hoeller

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