Thursday 19 February 2015

Thursday, or Thereabouts - February 19, 2015

Sheep, goats and rams -  on a Siberian Express

The Siberian Express has roared into town yet again bringing with it more bitter cold accompanied today by a beast of wind whose sole intent seems to be to bite my face off. This is getting tiresome - we are headed for the coldest February on record!

But when brilliant white cold light of this unwelcome weather phenomenon meets the south facing windows of my house, the rooms are filled with wonderful stretches of soothing warmth. Truly delightful display of "day star" power.

Every moan, every groan, every hint of despair within me melts away, leaving me with images of sandy beaches...

...or even grassy hillsides filled with trilliums,

or strawberries,

or perhaps even a segue to grazing sheep...

Welcome to the Year of the Sheep! Chinese New Year exploded to life at the very beginning of this day, and though there is some debate about whether it's the year of the sheep, or the goat, or the ram (apparently only a problem for the English speaking world according to the New York Times), there is no debate about the celebration. Lots of red, lots of fireworks, lots of dancing featuring lions and dragons; and food, lots of food.

Last year at this time fuelled by an upcoming trip to China, I celebrated by preparing a Chinese Feast for my family. I'm not feeling so ambitious this year. Homemade almond cookies and store bought fortune cookies will have to do their best to mark the Lunar New Year this time.
Gung Hei Fat Choi!

And a few photos from our Chinese Adventure last year:

Wishing you, "Happiness and Prosperity" in this Lunar New Year.

 ©2015 April Hoeller


  1. Here's wishing you Happiness, Prosperity and Warmth April:) The strawberries look delicious and that trilliums' shot is beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Arti! some warmth would be really nice. This morning, Saturday, we woke to -10C temps - a heat wave compared to the -20's of the past week - and snow, more snow. Just keep thinking trilliums and strawberries...and mid March vacation!

  2. I salute your ability to think positive, and reach into your memories of warmer, colourful days, even as you grapple with the winter wonderland (!) that your part of the world seems to have become. Hope the weather changes and spring comes soon.... it is almost round the corner, right?
    Meanwhile, Happy (Chinese) New Year and wishing you a wonderful trip to the Galapagos.

    1. It is warmer today (just -10C) but the snow is coming down and Monday we're back to the -20's. Sheesh! The current temperature in Puerto Ayora in the Galapagos is 22. ahhhhhh ... sandals, a single layer of light clothing, salt air and warm breezes. Just a few more weeks.
