Thursday 29 November 2018

Thursday, or Thereabouts - November 29, 2018

ENOUGH Already!
I will certainly be happy to kick this month to the curb tomorrow!

The last Thursday of this wretched November dawned much like every day before it - overcast with below normal temperature and some new snow. The graph of the energy output from our solar panels says it all:

And the comparative graph proclaims this November to the worst month in their six-year history on our roof.

This November has also dumped a heavy coat of gloom over my internal landscape. It's been a struggle to be energetic, though the occasional fresh coats of snowy whitewash do much to prevent such listlessness from becoming overwhelming.

The "in-my-face" non-stop bombardment of retail advertising that has also characterized this month has only increased my grumpiness. Enough already! I don't need more stuff in my life, or my house. I will not be thrilled beyond measure to get a good deal on one more bauble, gadget or even ugly sweater. What I wish for is less junk, less clutter, more clarity, more confidence. Oh, and more SUNSHINE would be nice.

"Your wish is granted," announce the ancients from the dark times of old...

Come this Sunday, the lighting of the darkness begins. It is the First Sunday of Advent and a single light will be kindled on Advent wreaths all over the world.

Later, when the first star of the evening appears on Sunday, two lights will brighten the night as the shamash and the first candle on menorahs announce the beginning of Hanukkah all over the world.

The light is coming. Amen to that!

©2018 April Hoeller

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about that, I am gradually considering November as the best month of the year. Stress In work goes way down after the tourist invasion, Xmas peeps in, which I love, but the Xmas stress and celebrations will be left for December. Yes, I am realizing I live my personal Xmas much more on November than December; about Black Friday, Ciber-Monday and all that sh... I just ignore it, I never believed in them. And as for the weather, well, It´s almost winter so let's heat up and enjoy it.
