Thursday 21 May 2020

Thursday, or Thereabouts - May 21, 2020

It's beautiful day in the neighbourhood

And it's the second one in a row! Woot woot! We're on a roll with sunshine and warmth - normal for May, not new nor old but a fresh and oh so welcome normal. 

Here's what it looks like -
On the land

Wild Strawberry


Dandelions - always a happy face!

red trilliums

In the garden

Apple blossom just waiting to burst

And no May would be normal without the annual delivery of winter firewood.

Ready! Set! Go!

Enjoy the normal wherever, whenever you can get it.

Still keeping it together apart,
Take Care.
Be well.

©2020 April Hoeller

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos April. Yesterday I was riding Biasini outside and I looked up and observed a completely clear blue sky.Not a single line of airplane travels. I cant remember the name for those cloud lines the planes create but there was not a single one in that blue sky. A CV19 bonus!
