Monday, 16 September 2013

Monday Moanings - September 16, 2013

I'm having one of those days!

Niagara-on-the-Lake 2013
Maybe it's because I spent much of last week in an idyllic setting of flowered streets and intelligent conversation offered in soft, almost hushed tones. Maybe it's because I spent much of last week enjoying wine tastings (more on that later) interspersed with visits with the likes of Somerset Maugham, Oscar Wilde and others at the Shaw Festival. Maybe it's the weather - damp and cold here today. Maybe it's just me.

Whatever the reason the fact remains: I got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. I'm irritable and whiny, grumpy and inconsolable. Harumph! The first target of my bad side this morning is diet. I'm tired of policing every little bit that goes into my mouth! For over a year now I've measured and weighed and recorded (myfitnesspal), every gram, every millilitre, every carb, protein, fat and fibre of every meal. Only vacations have been exempt from such meticulous scrutiny. For over a year I have busted my buns, and other muscle groups, at the gym at least three times a week. As you might have guessed, these too are recorded in detail (endomondo) with info from a heart rate monitor. I train in my zone and push it too with high intensity intervals. I wear a Fitbit, a sophisticated pedometer that tracks my every step, and more, and I aim for at least 7000 steps a day.

My blood sugars are great and that's a very good thing for diabetic me, BUT I have not lost a single pound! Please do not take this as an appeal for weight loss advice and diet plans. God knows once this post is seen by Facebook, I'll get all kinds of free advice. And there's another target for a rant today - all those very annoying adverts streaming into the middle of my newsfeed, most of which are bogus. Spare me from snake oil companies offering quick fix berries, cleanses and belly fat melters. Yee Gads!!

No, this is just me on a Monday, moaning. Katie Scarlett O'Hara and I know that tomorrow will be a better day. Tomorrow I go to my first yoga class led by my friend and woman of many talents, Elaine Jackson (  I have high hopes for this new venture and along with those aspirations, I've got some low anxieties too. Not to worry; it's all very typical for an introvert meeting a new situation. By tomorrow all will be gone with the wind!

Things are already looking up - I got this post written and considering all the growling and hand wringing that preceded cold fingers meeting the keyboard, that is an accomplishment!
Time to get rolling; a new week has begun. Enjoy!

Vineland Estates Restaurant 2013


  1. .............hug........................

  2. Hard to comment without it sounding like advice... :P

  3. I hear you, Sister. Part of me thinks, as long as my doc isn't nagging me and I still have clothes to wear, exercise is good but wine is better. Take heart, you are in good shape. Yoga will do you good. And, when I'm back in town, we'll go out for lunch. Warm thoughts for you.
