Monday 13 March 2023

Monday Meander - March 13, 2023

Spring Forward?

The clocks have done their Spring Forward bit, the sap is running in the sugar maples, and it's the Spring Break for schools here, but the view outside my door is not springing along. I am less than thrilled to see that another 5cm of new snow has fallen overnight. Four months ago this sight would have tickled me with joy and set my feet dancing. Today it makes me grumble and stomp.

Twas ever thus! March has always been the battleground between winter and spring in these parts. Some years spring comes on strong, swiping away the winter white in quick time. 

Versus Today:

Some years winter gets the upper hand and spring is forced to scramble around underneath a white blanket until that magical moment when persistence wins and winter dissolves. The snowdrops, crocus, and daffodils then push their heads up through the soil and the land turns green. 

April 8, 2022

The pandemic has taught me to appreciate the unfolding of normal in my world, to embrace its ponderous process and breathe along with its ins and outs. The Spring will come. In fact all this snow outside my door bodes well for soil moisture at the beginning of the growing season. 

There's a happy thought on this Monday morning. Have a great week. 

©2023 April Hoeller

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