zowie - exclamation, expressing pleasurable surprise astonishment or admiration.Fits me to a tee on this last day of April and the last letter of the A to Z Blogging Challenge. I am pleasantly surprised that I hung in for all twenty-six posts. I'm rather pleased with myself. Prompted by a fellow blogger, I accepted the challenge as a way to re-start my writing.
North America, informal, natural exclamation
For over seven months, my stories had gone unseen, not just on the blog, but anywhere. No work on my memoir manuscript, no blog posts, no story notes scrawled on scraps of paper. Would the A to Z Challenge be the rigorous exercise program that my flabby writing muscles so desperately needed?
Well, ZOWIE! It was all that and more! Thank you to all those who followed, liked, retweeted, and re-shared my posts. A profound bow of gratitude to all who commented. You made my day. My only regret is that too often I was unable to read and respond to you. However, despair not! Over the coming week, I plan to revisit your posts.
Plans are important, and beyond perusing the posts of fellow A to Z bloggers, I plan to return to posting on this blog twice a week. I also plan to investigate podcasting as a possible medium for the memoir stories.
What are your plans for blogging/writing in May and beyond?
Same time next year? You bet - God willing and the creek don't rise.
©2018 April Hoeller