Monday 13 May 2019

Monday Moanings - May 13, 2019

Here I sit, legs tucked up inside my wagon, reluctant to kick off into a new week. I'm going to need a push, maybe more like a boot up the backside. It's as dreary an internal landscape as it is outside my door today.

I'm tucked into an old heavy cardigan as I write this, a mug of steaming chai within easy reach. And I confess that wore my winter jacket earlier this morning when I went into town. I'm thinking it's a good day for a curry - something fragrant with the promise of warmth and exotic flavours so very unlike the damp gloominess of the day.

Spring - where are you? A year ago, at this time, it was short-sleeves, hats and sunscreen weather. A year ago, I went fishing on Mother's Day. I got a whole mess of rainbow trout with a little help from my fishing buddies and the fact that it was a trout farm. Not only that but Spring was busting out all over and pollen was in free-flow.

But fear not my friends, a sure sign Spring in the land rolled onto our street this past Friday morning and right up our driveway. Yes indeed, the annual truckload of next winter's firewood arrived, all 5+ tons of it. With air brakes sighing, the familiar white truck rolled in from the highway, right on time.

John, from John's Firewood, has the routine down pat. In one fluid movement, he backs his rig in from the road, lines it up with the woodshed, then tips the bucket. With a ground-shaking rumble three bush cords of split hardwood tumble out. He pulls the rig forward, gives the bucket a good thump or three to shake any last bits out and pulls back onto the driveway.

Job Done in under three minutes!

And there's more good news! The birds are emptying the feeders at a great clip and they have been joined by the hummingbirds and Baltimore Orioles.

So if I ignore the weather, Spring is coming along in just about everything else. That's a good thought for this Monday Moaning. It might even be enough to push me into this week with a smile and a renewed hope for sunshine.


©2019 April Hoeller

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