Monday 23 March 2020

Monday Meander - March 23, 2020

Report from inside the blankie fort - Week 2

It's very bright outside this morning, but it's not sunshine!

Nice one Old Man Winter - Not! On the other hand, the snow does give a nice white-wash over the dirty remnants of previous snowfalls.

Yeah, I know that doesn't quite cut it. It is supposed to be Spring and some warm breezes would be so very soothing in these uncertain times.

In my garden yesterday, there was just the reassuring comfort I needed. Fear not, Lady Spring is pushing her way into the land.

Even sitting inside looking out the window treated me to this beauty. The slight bulkiness of this coyote's back end suggests that she is pregnant - another sure sign of Spring.

And inside my opulent space station/blankie fort, spring cleaning has been happening. I've cleaned out two kitchen cupboards and inventoried the contents of fridges and freezers. Today's task is to do the same for the pantry. Based on posts from others, I'm given to believe we're all clearing, cleaning, and renovating. Stuff is getting done, stuff that has languished for eons. How can this not be a good thing?

I've found it helpful to set up a schedule. Meals for the week and activities. The activities schedule includes restricted social media time (10am and 3pm), and network news (9am and 6pm). I do take in our Prime Minister's daily addresses and occasionally the provincial. The radio station which has always been on in the house has been switched out for all music all the time (CD's, playlists, etc.) in order to avoid hourly newscasts. This helps keep me balanced.

We here are safe. We have food, shelter, warmth, and health. We visit family via Skype.
We can do this.

Take care, my friends.
Stay home.
Plank the curve.

©2020 April Hoeller

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