Thursday 4 February 2021

Thursday, or Thereabouts – February 4, 2021

Noon Report: 7°C (45F) in brilliant sunshine outside my door.

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It is a joy to sit at the table in the sunroom, writing these words. The groundhog apparently declared an early Spring on his day of prophecy, February 2 and so here we are basking in the thick of it. It won’t last of course. The official forecast does not uphold the rodent’s prediction but rather declares a return to minus double digits by the end of this weekend. Ah well, it is still luxurious to simply sit in the sun-warmed room without being encumbered by woolly sweaters. It’s soothing to let sunlight energize dreams of warmer days, buds and flowers, BBQ's and butterflies.


I picked up a whack of birdseed this morning (curbside of course), so I’m ready for the return of hungry fliers as well as keeping the hardy ones that stay all winter well fed. This year is the first time that I have had crowds of redpolls at the feeders. Usually I’m lucky to see even just one or two each year, but this time often both tube feeders are full stacked with these finch-type birds while the ground beneath the feeders a half dozen or more are gleaning. Without our resident canine here to bark or chase them away, the squirrels have returned in number. They also glean the seeds that fall to the ground.


The bottom line for today is

“It’s a beautiful day in the neighbourhood!”

Away from the news, the tweets and posts of the virtual world, away from the chirps and pings of electronic devices, this is a perfect day to be in the natural world right outside my door in the warm sunshine. Cant’ beat that!

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©2021 April Hoeller


  1. A warm and peaceful post. Nice one! I love the redpolls. We have not seen many at our feeder here. I am taking part in the Birds Canada feeder watch this year and have found it interesting and fun. We also have lots of grey and black squirrels. I think they are entertaining and sometimes they like each other and other times they are quite vicious to each other. I think yours may be the same.

    1. Hi Leueen. The redpolls are a delight to see. You are right about the squirrels (we have red and black here, few grey). They are like siblings - have great fun together until they don't. Thanks for stopping by to comment.
      Stay safe. Stay sane.

  2. I love how the birds have filled up all of the "seats" on your feeder! I'm not sure we have redpolls in Alabama. I've never seen one.

    1. Hi Lisa. Redpolls are northern birds. They only migrate south from Hudson Bay area to my neck of the woods in the winter, and even then some winters I don't see any at all.
      Thanks for stopping by.
      Stay safe. Stay sane.
