Monday 15 March 2021

Monday Meander - March 15, 2021

Week 53 and we're all still here.

A year ago less a day I wrote my first post from the CoVID blankie fort. On the whole, it was optimistic, a kind of head-down-get-her-done kind of post. For twenty-two weeks I reported on life in and around the blankie fort. On August 10, 2020 I wrote that in response to ever-improving CoVID case counts, it was time to move on. A warm sunny August encouraged everyone out of their fortresses, masked and distanced as we had to be and that lasted into September. My love and I even enjoyed a few outdoor restaurant meals, the last of which was to celebrate our anniversary.

September 6, 2020

But we hadn't learned all the lessons a pandemic had to teach us. Case numbers rose again as the second wave rolled in. It's now week 53 and though the blankie fort is long gone, I'm still stuck in a strange  land. Sometimes I feel like I'm living inside a video game - moving through my day with a cursor over my head. I do the tasks that show up. Not only do I eat when hungry, too often I also eat when any food comes into view. My moods are erratic yet within a narrow range, no subterranean lows, no supersonic highs, just fair to middling coping within a restricted number of mundane activities all controlled by the mouse clicks of an unseen hand. And every day is the same. 

I am surviving but not necessarily thriving.

The cloister at Iona Abbey

But the end is in sight. There is no fixed date yet the day when we all can move about freely when and where we want (though more often masked than in pre-pandemic times), when we can gather together as family and friends, and when we can hug and be hugged is visible on the horizon. The deer have moved back to their three-season corral, displacing the bikes.

The snow is melting and the rhubarb is coming up along with a few crocus.

Each day moves us closer to the happy day. And that's the way it is in week 53.

I'll meet y'all here real soon. We'll sit for hours, up close and personal. 
I'll even bring the wine.

©2021 April Hoeller

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